"lemaunye harinie"...( pepatah kak wani )..
xtaw la...nak wat pe.....tgahari td da berjam2 ngadap lappy wat report bahan . sekali 2 (dua) report lak tu .
1 utk compressive strenth for concrete cube
1 lg vicat test .
da la tenet asek xde je. jenoh perah otak pikio ayat sendiri . sori la klu idea n fakta x mantopp!! huhu. hasilnye bile da poning sgt ptg td syahid smp kol 6.30..huhu
mlm ni...still xtaw nak wat pe. tenet jap ade jp xde. crik info pasae report tu tp mcm xsesuai je nak dirompak . nak print asgment len segan lak nak mintak kat roomate . hurm....asal la printer ak wat hal....susah la hidup klu asek nak memintak2 kat org jer. xkire...sem depan ak nak printer baru!!! printer ni humban je dlm longkang!!!!
nak study math . f.y.i 1 chapter da ak tertinggal sbb asek ponteng klas math je. n ak kene cover 1 chpter sendirian berhad oke??? xpe le...sape soh ponteng sebulan!!! huh. ni nak study pon x semangat sbb pensel kesayangan ak hilang!!! skrg ni ak study gne pencil rumate ak...pinjam jap....using a wood pencil isn't cool !!! seriously!!! pensel mechanical y ak beli mase time matrik dulu , ak sayang sgt pensel tu . dulu ak beli mase matrik . then kwn ak pinjam n hilang . dy ganti pensel baru. n ak xley blah dgn pensel len selain pensel pink ak tuh . then ak p panjat THE STORE KULIM tingkat atas skali semate2 nak beli pensel cm tu gak!! rupe, warne...sebijik cm asal!!!! n skrg hilang lg.....sedeyh....ak nak balik pensel tu!!! . hope x hilang. mintak2 kwn ak just ter-burn n t dy pulang balik. please jgn la tertinggal kat mane2 !!!.
huhu....dear my pinky pencil....please come back to me....i cant focus on my study without u bebeyh....plis back to me!!! huhu...
dri merapu kat sini bek le g study..hoho...k bye
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